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Transactions 05 June 2013

Bretagne Télécom x Amundi Asset Management

Fund raising
Bretagne Télécom, an IP services operator, has successfully completed its new round table. With 2012 sales of over €5m, Bretagne Télécom raised funds from Amundi Private Equity Funds.
Client Bretagne Télécom

Contrepartie Amundi

Created in 2005, Bretagne Télécom is today the only independent IP services operator in the West dedicated to SMEs, with its own infrastructures enabling it to control the entire value chain to offer responsiveness and value-added services.
Leader in the West, the company is recognized for its innovative offers and for its real proximity with its 3000 customers composed of SMEs and ETI, local and multi-site, from all sectors: health, food, environment…

The development of communication technologies, the improvement of Internet security and reliability enable Bretagne Telecom, in a context of convergence of IP services, to provide its customers with a wide range of services. Bretagne Telecom is one of those rare local players able to offer its customers a global solution to meet their communications needs (fixed and mobile telephony, internet links, hosting, cloud computing…).

This positioning as a regional partner perfectly meets the needs of companies looking for a single point of contact close to their sites. As owner of its infrastructures (network and hosting), Bretagne Télécom can design personalized services of a high quality and ensure an appreciated reactivity.

Since its creation, Bretagne Télécom has supported growth of around 25% per year on average and reached its break-even point in 2010. For the 2012 financial year, the company has just exceeded €5 million in turnover with mainly recurring revenues.
Accompanied for several years by the investment funds GO Capital (formerly Ouest Ventures) and Bretagne Jeune Entreprise, Bretagne Télécom has just enabled Amundi PEF to exit within the framework of an operation consisting in restructuring its shareholder base and financing an ambitious new development plan.

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