Coheris x FDV Concept
FDV Concept has more than 6,000 users with prestigious clients such as Bahlsen, Beiersdorf, Tereos (Beghin Say), Boerhinger Ingelheim, Danone, Ferrero, Johnson & Johnson, Lindt & Sprüngli, L’Oréal, Lu, Nestlé, Novartis, Seb, Unilever, etc.
This rapprochement is of great strategic interest because of the functional complementarity of the offers and their conceptual consistency. It significantly strengthens Coheris’ software division which now represents more than 2/3 of its turnover.
“The acquisition of FDV Concept is extremely value-creating. Today, we cover relations with the end customer, Coheris’ original positioning. With FDV Concept, our group has an extended offer to relations with distribution networks based on the application of optimized sales and marketing strategies” explains Jean-Pierre Créput, President of FDV Concept.
“This merger was prompted by the desire to strengthen our reputation and accelerate our development, around global CRM, on the French market and internationally. FDV Concept has a unique know-how and wishes to make it known. Coheris, through its coverage of the French and European markets, the quality and complementary positioning of its offer, will enable us to quickly achieve these objectives” adds Bernard Demars, President of FDV Concept.

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