Sedimap x Audacia
SEDIMAP, a subsidiary of the Elyssom group, one of the French leaders in the fast-growing market of “Machine to Machine” communications, has renewed its confidence in PAX Corporate Finance to organise a new round of financing. This process has enabled the company to raise € 530,000 from ISF Capital 2016 (Turenne Capital Group).
SEDIMAP specialises in the design, development and distribution of geolocation and vehicle fleet management software. With a turnover of €12 million and strong growth, the company is a key player in the “Machine to Machine” market. This round of financing will be used to fund the development of new products and the company’s growth in France and abroad.
The company is already present in France, Spain, Germany and Belgium.
SEDIMAP is therefore clearly positioned today as a market consolidator capable of bringing together companies in the geolocation solutions sector on a European scale.

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