Supervizor x Odyssée
Supervizor, a software publisher that automatically detects errors and fraud in company accounting, has raised an initial €3 million from the ODYSSÉE VENTURE Private Equity fund. This operation, structured by the investment bank PAX CORPORATE FINANCE, is intended to consolidate Supervizor’s leadership in digital control in France and accelerate its expansion in Europe.
The digitalisation of control professions as a consequence of changes in tax administration.
For the past five years, the tax audit revolution initiated by the administration has revolutionised the traditional approach to auditing accounting information. In companies, all those responsible for accounting and operational data are obliged to review their approach by digitising control if possible on a permanent basis.
Indeed, since January 1, 2014, companies must transmit in case of a tax audit all the details of their accounts (Accounting records file called FEC) to the controller. Since January 1, 2017, with a new procedure called “accounting examination”, companies must transmit this detail directly to the administration which no longer travels. It thus automatically controls the company’s accounting with sophisticated algorithms. Finally, in 2019, it is planned to take a further step with the systematic transmission of the FEC at the same time as the bundle. After this last evolution, the administration will check all the companies in detail every year.
Thus, at the risk of being caught in the wrong, all company control professions must rethink their organisation and follow this digitalisation movement: CFOs, accountants, internal auditors, tax specialists or internal controllers now have no choice but to detect errors before the tax authorities, errors that are inevitable given the complexity of accounting and tax law.
To date, 100% of the accounts analysed have revealed errors, risk-taking and/or fraud, even though the companies concerned are generally assisted by external professionals and have set up organisations to conceptualise risk.
Supervizor, Machine Learning for the detection of errors, fraud and financial & tax risks
Anticipating these growing customer needs and the new risks they face, Supervizor has developed a technology based on Machine Learning, widely proven (more than 40,000 accounts already analyzed) and highly scalable, which allows very simply and with a guaranteed ROI to detect errors, anomalies and fraud in company accounts. Companies thus reduce their financial and tax risks. Compatible with all ERP, market accounting software and regulatory formats, the technology allows, without parameterization, to control the company’s accounting data, analyze the results and automatically produce an anomaly report without user intervention.
Cyrille de Gastines, co-founder and head of R&D at Supervizor, believes that “if so many companies of all sizes (SMEs like CAC40) already trust Supervizor, it is because our technology is unique and our lead is considerable. But we must not content ourselves with maintaining this gap: we must accentuate it. This is why a significant portion of the funds raised will be deployed in R&D, to detect more and more cases of errors or fraud, and to extend the cases of technology use.
For Laurent Mouflin, Partner at PAX CORPORATE FINANCE: “The success of this fund raising lies particularly in the competitive advantage provided by this breakthrough technology developed by Supervizor as well as in the depth of the global market in which companies are not yet equipped with high-performance tools.
Supervizor’s ambitions: quickly capture a deep market with no geographical limits
“The fund raising will enable us to accelerate in France and in Europe, both directly and indirectly,” says Alban Clot, co-founder and sales manager at Supervizor. “We are currently finalising partnerships with major players – ERP publishers, investment funds, cost optimisation firms, tax lawyers, etc. – who see in Supervizor the opportunity to rapidly address a booming market.
Comme le souligne Mathieu Boillet, président d’Odyssée Venture : « . Le marché de Supervizor est large. En France, ce sont plus de 2 millions d’entreprises qui sont concernées, avec un cœur de cible de près de 300 000 PME, ETI et grandes entreprises. Le potentiel de Supervizor est aussi important au niveau européen. L’Allemagne, le Portugal ou encore l’Espagne font partie des premiers pays ou Supervizorpourrait s’implanter prochainement.
À propos de Supervizor
Cofondée par Cyrille de Gastines et Alban Clot, Supervizor est le leader des services et logiciels d’analyse automatisée des données comptables et opérationnelles. Grâce à sa technologie unique issue de 7 ans de R&D, Supervizor aide les entreprises à réduire le risque de redressement fiscal en cas de contrôle et automatiser le contrôle interne comptable et opérationnel, en détectant les erreurs et les fraudes automatiquement. Plus de 5 000 sociétés analysent chaque année leurs données avec la technologie Supervizor.
Constitué en 1999, ODYSSÉE est toujours dirigé par ses deux gérants-fondateurs. La société de gestion a levé plus de 450 millions d’euros grâce à la confiance de plus de 35 000 souscripteurs, accompagné une centaine d’entreprises et contribué à la création de plus de 10 000 emplois. ODYSSÉE est un des acteurs historiques du private equity en France et une des premières sociétés de gestion indépendantes de fonds de capital-investissement (FIP – FCPI – FCPR) agréée par l’AMF. C’est le spécialiste des entreprises de croissance.
PAX CF est une banque d’affaires indépendante parmi les leaders français du marché. Elle combine expertise financière et spécialisation sectorielle, lui permettant d’accompagner efficacement les PME dans les différentes étapes de leur développement. Regroupant une vingtaine de professionnels dont sept associés basés à Paris et Genève, la société a réalisé près de 150 opérations depuis sa création en 2003. Les domaines de prédilection de PAX sont la Technologie, Telecom, Logiciel, services IT et les services B to B. Elle accompagne également ses clients à l’international grâce à un réseau ciblé dont un partenariat stratégique avec ACXIT Capital Partners, leader allemand des banques d’affaires indépendantes.
As Mathieu Boillet, President of Odyssée Venture, points out:”. Supervizor’s market is large. In France, more than 2 million companies are concerned, with a core target of nearly 300,000 SMEs, ETIs and large companies. The potential of Supervizor is also significant at European level. Germany, Portugal and Spain are among the first countries where Supervizor could soon be established.
About Supervizor
Co-founded by Cyrille de Gastines and Alban Clot, Supervizor is the leader in services and software for automated analysis of accounting and operational data. Thanks to its unique technology resulting from 7 years of R&D, Supervizor helps companies to reduce the risk of tax adjustment in case of control and automate internal accounting and operational control, by detecting errors and fraud automatically. More than 5,000 companies analyze their data each year using Supervizor technology.
Founded in 1999, ODYSSÉE is still managed by its two founding managers. The management company raised more than 450 million euros thanks to the confidence of more than 35,000 subscribers, supported around 100 companies and contributed to the creation of more than 10,000 jobs. ODYSSÉE is one of France’s historical private equity players and one of the first independent private equity fund management companies (FIP – FCPI – FCPR) approved by the AMF. It is the specialist in growth companies.
PAX CF is an independent investment bank among the French market leaders. It combines financial expertise and sectoral specialisation, enabling it to effectively support SMEs at the various stages of their development. With around twenty professionals, including seven partners based in Paris and Geneva, the company has carried out nearly 150 transactions since its creation in 2003. PAX’s preferred fields are Technology, Telecom, Software, IT services and B to B services. It also supports its international clients through a targeted network, including a strategic partnership with ACXIT Capital Partners, Germany’s leading independent investment bank.

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